MFO Ratings Updated Through February 2020

All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics have been uploaded to MFO Premium, reflecting performance through February 2020.


February marked the 11th full year of the current bull market, which began March 2009. But that was little conciliation to equity investors who suffered one of worst months in recent history with the S&P 500 retracting 8.2%. The 11 sector ETFs were down between 7% (health) and 14% (energy). Safe haven was found only in bond funds, especially long duration, and some alternative strategy funds.


Looking back ten decades, monthly drops this large occur once every couple years. Even during the current bull run, there have been a dozen times when the market retracted 5% or more. It dropped 9% in December 2018 and 8% in May 2010.


Monthly performance is best reviewed in the main MultiSearch tool, selecting the “1 Month” Display Period and the “Alt Summary” Group. You can do so in combination with your WatchLists and dozens of screening criteria, like Fund Family and Great Owls.


Please enjoy (if possible) the latest data.