December Brings S&P 500 To All-Time High

All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics were uploaded to MFO Premium Saturday, 30 December, reflecting performance through year-end. We used Refinitiv’s Friday data drop, which was last business day of year, to get an early peek at 2023 calendar year performance.


We’ve scheduled our year-in-review webinar this Friday, 5 January. It will highlight performance of funds across different market segments and attempt to showcase various search features, including additions since our mid-year webinar. There will be just one session this year at 9 am Pacific (noon Eastern). Join us if you can in the New Year by registering here. And here is link to chart deck for session.


December is the second full year of The Great Normalization market cycle. It also marks the 15th month of this market’s bull run and brings the S&P 500 to an all-time high. The index ended the year up 26.3%. Since the start of the bull run in October 2022, it’s up 35.8%. Here’s a breakout of State Street Sector ETF 2023 performance, which is a Pre-Set Screen in MultiSearch:



Bonds seem to have turned around finally after a terrible 2022. AGG, iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF, rallied 8.2% in the last two months, bringing its yearly return to 5.6%.


If you have not already, be sure to check-out our new YouTube channel @MFOPremium, as described in the MFO December commentary.


Will save the rest for the webinar!


As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, let us know and we will respond soonest.


Wishing you and yours all good things in the New Year!


PS. Links to session …


Link to video.


Link to chart deck.