All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics have been uploaded to MFO Premium, reflecting performance through April 2020, which was the first positive month for S&P 500 this year.
Considering the shock to global economies caused by CV-19, year-to-date returns don’t seem so bad … S&P 500 off just 9.3% (thank you FAAMG). World indices off 15-20%. NASDAQ is just about even. Aggregate US bonds posting a comforting +5% (thank you Jay Powell).
You will find several new features in MultiSearch, including breakouts of Bond Credit & Duration, Yearly Return Ratings, Current Month Inflow/Outflow estimates, Price/NAV Premiums and Discounts (essential when investing in ETFs and CEFs), and ability to screen for Alpha, Tracking Error and Information Ratio. All as described in this month’s commentary “Back To Basics.”
As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, let us know and we will respond soonest.
Please enjoy the latest data and new site features.
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